360 graden: WONDERS chair gallery


Workshop of Wonders

Deze locatie op Google Maps

Wonders chair gallery specialises in high-end artisan dining chairs and stools by talented international designers. All timeless and with their own authentic roots.

The collection ranges from the less common Nordic mid-century classics up to the very latest craft masterpieces from as far away as Japan. Plus, a surprising selection of some amazing pieces in between. All pieces are still, again or just in production and can be customised when ordered.

In addition, the Workshop of Wonders interior design studio can support the choices and help select a matching dining table and chandelier to complete your dining experience. If desired, they can also design your entire house, office or hotel.

Every few months the Wonders chair gallery spotlights one of their trusted partners or a carefully selected designer. This way you can get to know more of their background and collection as we then show more of their chairs but also tables, loungers and sofas.

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